Quick Links
Required for all Members
All WEGC members must be active members in good standing with the National Rifle Association (NRA). If you are not an NRA member or need to renew your membership, please click on the link below:
Recommended for all Members
Membership in the California Rifle & Pistol Association (CRPA) is not required for Club Membership, but is highly encouraged. CRPA leads many 2A fights in California. To join the CRPA click on the link below:
Limited Membership
This category of membership, as the name implies, is a limited access membership to the Club’s Main Range facility and the shotgun range when open. Access is restricted to Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (excluding major holidays and Mother’s Day), from 08:00 to 16:00 when range staff are present and have locked the gate open. Limited Members do not receive a gate code.
Limited Membership fees are $130/year and the number of memberships is capped by the Club at 600. Currently there is no wait list, but that frequently changes. Limited members should apply for renewal online approximately 30 days before expiration to avoid having to go back on a wait list.
If you would like to submit an application for limited membership, or renew your existing limited membership,please click on the link below. Please note that this will take you off the website to a Google document.
You will be contacted by our Membership Assistant to complete the process and arrange for payment, usually within 5-7 days
Full Membership
Full membership entitles the member unrestricted access to the Club’s range, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, unless the entire range is closed for safety reasons (fire, flood, etc).
You will be provided with an access code to open the gate. Access to the range is by a forest service road and crosses through a creek bed. Low clearance vehicles are not recommended. The creek is subject to rapid flow changes, so always cross with caution.
Full Membership fees are $360/year. Senior Memberships (65 or older) are $280/year. New members are assessed a $360.00 initiation fee. Memberships are by calendar year. Renewal information is mailed around October of every year.
Full Memberships are capped by the Club at 1600. The wait-list for new applicants is estimated at 3-5 years. Wait times depend on how many existing members choose not to renew each year. New membership opportunities become available around March and continue until the capacity is reached again.
A requirement to join the club as a full member is a completed application with three signatures from existing full members or one board member or discipline director.
There are many ways to obtain your signatures for your application.
1. Attend Member Meetings:
– Member meetings take place on the second Tuesday at the club house located at
1324 E 4th Street, Ontario, CA, at 6:15 pm. Attend these meetings to learn more about
the club and its members.
2. Participate in Matches:
– Attend and participate in West End matches. This is a good way to engage with full
members and increase your chances of obtaining the required signatures. Matches can
be found on Practiscore.com, under WEGC and find multiple matches.
3. Become a Limited Member:
– Consider becoming a limited member to familiarize yourself with the club and its
members. This may make it easier to connect with full members and obtain the
necessary signatures.
4. Connections with Full Members:
– If you have friends or family who are full members, they can provide signatures to
support your application.
If you would like to submit an application for full membership click the link below. Please note that this will take you off the website to a Google document. When your application reaches the top of the list you will be contacted by Membership for next steps.
This is the paper form for new full member application. You will need one of these to gather the signatures required for approval.