*******Youth The youth match is cancelled due to unsafe creek crossing. Thanks,Richard HartleyNRA Instructor Pistol Rifle ShotgunWEGC Youth Shooting Director *******LESA Saturday’s match has been canceled due to limited access to the range. The current conditions are not safe for passenger car passage. Regards,Andrew Ellingwood Asst. Director – LESA ******IDPA The water in the creek…
Creek Impassable 19 January 2023
The creek is still flowing and the range staff has not had an opportunity to repair the road(s) or any crossing. Please do not attempt to cross. Additionally, the main range will be closed to limited members and all CCW qualifications, until further notice. If you have questions, please contact the Range Director, Richard Saylors…
January IDPA Match Canceled
The water in the creek bed is running fast and deep. It is currently not safe to cross. Because of the unsafe condition I’m canceling this Sundays IDPA match. Bob
January 2023 Newsletter now available
Creek Crossing update 1/17 @ 1000 – NOT SAFE
We have two fast moving water crossings, first is about 12 feet wide & no idea how deep, second one I could not get a good look at because I did not want to try and across first one. I did see large rocks have covered outlet side. Not safe to try crossing at this…
FYI – Range Combination for Full Members 1/14
ALERT – RANGE CLOSED to Limited Members / NO CCW Requalifications UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE
The range is closed for limited members [and CCW re-qualifications] until the creek settles down enough to repair the crossing. Range Director
Creek Crossing update @1400 1/12/23
Thanks to member Steve Pawluk for contributing the video!
Weather and Creek Flow information links
Are you interested in real-time Weather and Creek Flow information? Links to both are available on the Range home page: https://www.wegc.org/range/
1/11/23 Creek Crossing update
Pictures of both water crossings 0600 today. Use caution if attempting to cross.