Welcome to the WEGC Practical Pistol Match. This is an outlaw style pistol or PCC match that uses Hit Factor scoring. We shoot 5 stages featuring a variety of paper, steel and reactive targets. Scoring and Shooting Divisions are similar to those used in popular national and international shooting organizations such as USPSA and IPSC. Sign up starts at 7:30 shooters briefing at 8:30. Volunteers who email in advance to help setup will be added to the list and will have their match fee comped. Those volunteers shooting two classes will have one class comped, the second class will be $10. If the match starts to get full more slots per squad will be added. When signing up on Practiscore you are automatically approved to select your squad immediately at sign up so don’t forget to do so before you close the registration page otherwise you will be registered to shoot but you will not be squatted. Email Ian at [email protected] for any questions.